Photo by PerriDonaldson
We can still make mistakes, even as professionals in the cleaning industry. Routines we use to clean the home become second nature. We may never stop to think if we could be doing it better or if we are doing it right. There are actually some right and wrong ways to vacuum, scrub, mop, dust, and clean essentially everything in the home.
Do not worry though, because mistakes happen to everyone no matter your skill level in any industry. People are creatures of habit and sometimes the following mistakes happen even to pros. In this article we will show you the 5 most common cleaning mistakes that even pros are making.
1. A step-by-step, strategic cleaning plan
Most of us have gone into a customer facility without a strategic cleaning plan. It is easy to decide to work on the fly since we are experts in our field. After all, these are things which we have been doing for quite some time. However, even experts need to have an order and a plan. Go into every account with a step-by-step plan and a clear strategy to attack each area most effectively.
2. Color-coding of gear
Another situation where out very experience and knowledge in the field can lead us to be too relaxed is failing to color code gear in order to prevent cross contamination. Most of us know better and would never use the same tools in the restroom that we use in kitchen or in desks areas. Without color-coding, there is a chance that other people that work near or with us could mistakenly take a contaminated item and use it in the wrong place. For this reason, you should use color-coding to keep things easy and simple for everyone.
3. Small portions for detail work
Sometimes, you cannot do all at once. However, everything can be accomplished within timelines when tackled on a rotation. Some tasks must be completed during every visit to a facility, such as the restroom. On the other hand, there are the things that do not have to be done every time, but must be completed at least once a month. You can ensure that it all does get done by taking sections of thorough dusting, or detail vacuuming or chair leg cleaning and doing a small portion during every run.
4. Overfull vacuum bags
Due to overfull bags, vacuums start losing suction power. For this reason, make sure to replace bags sooner rather than later. Vacuums are often shared cleaning tools and one person thinks the other took care of changing the bag. The bag is out of sight and out of mind, which is another reason we wait too long to empty the bag. You should at least check to see if a change is needed and label the bag change in a way that is visible to all other people who share a vacuum.
5. On-hand tools and solutions
Sometimes, we miss the solutions on-hand needed to deal with small stains quickly before they set and require more work to clean. Do you have what you would need to remove vomit, urine, ink or a coffee spill before it sets? By keeping the right solutions and tools on-hand will allow you to act quickly and prevent further complications that occur when small problems are not handled right away. We recommend that you keep kits on-hand because they might be helpful in a number of situations.