Photo by mamengomez
Sometimes our dreams hold us back long after they have faded. Decluttering possessions can be hard, but it is nothing compared to decluttering your dreams. Our dreams are such a large part of who we are, but they change and evolve over time.
Our goals can become cluttered, just like our homes. Therefore, we need to let go of old dreams in order to make space for new ones to flourish. In this article we will give you a few tips to let go of old dreams to pursue new ones.
1. You should know when your dreams don’t fulfill you
Teachers, parents, fellow students, colleagues, great orators, rafts of self-help books, and society in general – everyone is always telling us to follow out dreams. However, you should be aware of the fact that your dreams might not fulfill you. Nobody ever really stops to explain that you should have realistic dreams and that sometimes your dreams aren’t in synchronization with your interests, needs, and abilities as time moves on. It is extremely hard to face the fact that your dreams have become stale. However, it can be very rewarding since it is the first step in allowing you to let go and to create new dreams in your life.
2. Ask yourself if there is anything about your dreams that you have already achieved
Sometimes we keep seeking more and more, if we behave in a perfectionist way, even if some of our goals have already been realized. For this reason, you should see if there is anything about your dreams that you have already achieved. Usually, we think the grass is greener elsewhere and most of us keep on looking for what is more rather than what is actually better. Make sure that you work from the successes that you have already had and rejoice in that which you have already achieved.
3. Proper ‘goodbye’ ceremony
A momentous farewell is required for the dreams that have become stale. Even though now they drag you down, don’t forget that once they guided you. For this reason, they do deserve a fitting send-off. Try to do something that marks their end and creates closure for your old dreams. Good ideas include dropping pieces of written dreams in the river, a burial of written dreams or burning the pieces of paper, or shouting them to the wind on a windy day. Additionally, you can even involve trusted loved one to attend your goodbye ceremony, as witness to your moving on.
4. Let go of an old dream
It takes courage to say goodbye, but it is a right thing to do. Do nice things that you like and enjoy, and be kind to yourself for letting go. Even though this is a hard time of growth in your life, you should be proud of yourself for actually doing it.
5. Create a new dream
Once you let go of an old dream, you are able to replace it with healthy new ones that will guide you into the brighter future from this point. Stay relaxed; you will do just fine.
6. Reinvent your dream
Perhaps you have placed expectations or limitations on how your dream is supposed to look. Perhaps you do not need to let it go completely. Maybe you can materialize it in a different way, one that may suit your circumstances better and can even fulfill more than you’d have imagined at first place.