
Simple Science

What is Protoplasm?

The secret of protoplasm is the secret of life itself. We still do not know what makes protoplasm a living substance.
Personal Development

What To Do When People Ignore Or Cut You Off And Start Talking To Someone Else

If people cut you out and you can’t figure it out you should read this and be prepared for some criticism. You should face your problems if you want them to go away.
Personal Development

10 Ways To Decide What To Do With Your Life

Deciding what to do with your life is one of the toughest decisions you will have to make, but there are many ways to help yourself decide.
Val Senales 1

What Does “Going Galt” Mean?

The term "Going Galt" is one that is often repeated in many political blogs. The term is not a new one, although it is certainly new to many people.