Photo by selkovjr
Most of us think that every action that is performed, is performed by will. But all the actions of people and living things cannot be explained this way. When you ride a bicycle, you usually make dozens of motion, not even thinking about them while performing them. These actions are the result of learning and experience.
Do people really have the instincts or not, as the instinct for food, for example?
Imagine that you touch something hot and immediately move your hand. You have not even got to think that you should withdraw your hand. It is a reflex action.
The third type of action is done without the participation of our will. This is the issue psychologists have not yet agreed on. But we know that we have such animal instincts. Instinct is an action that achieves a certain goal without the participation of the reviews that perform an action.
For example, a bird that builds a nest collecting twigs, grass, or fern fiber, placing them on a branch or rock so that the nest is on some tall place and have the stability to be like the nests of other birds of the same species, is an example of instinctual behavior.
Instinctive action is being done because there is a natural incentive in the creature by itself ( such as hunger, fear, desire for steaming). It is likely that the secretion of certain glands in the body urges birds or animals to perform various actions we call instinctive. The search for food, mating, maternal care for the birth or breeding, migration, and hibernation is certainly related to the work of glands.